Well, we haven't heard yet if Leia and Solo had puppies. It's becoming very difficult for me to just wait. In fact, I cracked today and e-mailed the breeders again. I feel so bad for them. I swear, I must be the most annoying person on the planet! Hopefully, we'll find out by the end of today if Leia had the puppies, and if we get one by the end of next week.
Poli has grown so much since I first began work at Ruff House! I guess I've grown too. I've become much more assertive and ready to handle what comes. It's great how a job can have such a profound influence on you. ;)
One thing I'm very excited about is this:

I feel that if Poli can climb up to a big boy like Shep(who looks very much like what I want Missy to look like) and lie down, then not care when Shep's baby sister, Zola, Lies on top of him, He's ready to get a sister! Bye for now, but I'll update as soon as I know!
I heart these pics!!!