Poli hadn't had a bath in about 3 weeks, so he was pretty dirty, but I gave him a bath and he looks great! He's such a fluffer duffer!
He has played with this little girl:
She's the white one. The brown one is her brother, and he hates playing just as much a Poli. Leyah is still a puppy, but she looked just like Poli as a puppy. She is a Coton de Tulear.
I'm so freaking excited for our new puppy! I'm still not sure when we'll get her, but we'll know if the mom I want is pregnant in just a few weeks. The litter would then be born in the middle of February and we'd do a major road-trip to Michigan RIGHT after finals(April) to pick her up. The, hopefully, mom and dad are Leia and Solo from Terra Pines: http://terrapines.com/images/Leia/Leia%206%20months.jpg AND http://terrapines.com/images/Solo/Solo%202%20and%20half%20years.jpg
