So... I love the mountains and wilderness. I've been wanting to go hiking (walking slowly, with many breaks, up a mountain) for a few weeks with Napoleon. So today I drove up to dry canyon, only there is a sign saying something like, "no motor traffic beyond this point." You can't even see the parking lot. Whatever... so i parked there and walked all the way up the PAVED ROAD to the parking lot with, wouldn't you know, CARS! By the time I get there I'm already exhausted, but I haven't even found the trail head yet... then I find the different trails and take one with steps into the canyon. It was beautiful, but I went very slowly. (Of course this is the point where at least three athletic people finish different hikes and see me slowly going up a trail since I'm already tired...) Anyway, Poli did pretty well; He would sniff around when I would pause, and jump up the "big" steps. Don't worry, it was at least a 30 degree incline at least 80 percent of the time. Anyway, we got to the one shady area, and it had lovely squarish rocks on top of each other. Perfect place to rest and listen to Mo. Tab. while looking at God's creations. (the two sides of the canyon making a frame for the valley) Poli rested too. we kept going a little ways, but soon turned around and came back.
On the way down, we passed two old men coming up and a kid later. Poli tried to guard the trail as they passed. He would not leave the center of the trail... he's totally crazy. We eventually made it to the paved road again and went down, down, down. (after going down, down, down dirt and rocks, watching every step so I wouldn't fall to my death) We saw this:

And yes, I do believe it is a half eated moose leg. It gets better. It was about 50 feet from my car, and the subdivision where I parked. Yum.
Anyway, I gave Poli water when we got to the car and I had some too. When we got home though I walked in, and about 10 seconds later, heard poli plop down on the tile floor. He wouldn't move either... he was exhausted;) Then, of course, I had to bathe his feet. the end.
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