Last Tuesday we decided to go to Las Vegas. I has work until 7 on Friday though, so we were gonna leave after that. My brother refused to watch our dog while we would be gone, so, luckily there was room, I boarded him at work. When I left ruff house without him, he would not be quiet. He was so upset, and I nearly cried. I drove home and we left for Vegas. Our hotel messed up our reservation, so they gave us two suites for the price we had paid through travelocity(cheap rooms etc.) Nice! Linz and I shared our suite and each had a room to ourselves. Both of us were missing Poli though. Anyway, we were ready by 9 am Saturday for the hotel's breakfast, in the casino. Wouldn't you know it, this hotel doesn't enforce the no smoking rule, so I could hardly breathe as we waited in line for food. We left and went to the Paris's buffet instead. It was amazing!!!!!!! Afterwards we walked theh strip for a while and, being exhausted, I slept on a small couch while my dad had a meeting and Lindsey looked for a nail salon and my mom just sat. And Yata, yata, yata, we drove back home.
We got home at 12:30ish and went to bed. Sunday I could hardly hold still through church. I wanted to go get my dog! Ruff doesn't open on Sundays until 12 and closes at 3, so I left Relief Society, finally, a little early to go get him. When I got there I went into the back to get him, since I work there, and the big dogs who remembered me from Friday surrounded me. Poli was too scared of them to get close so he whined his hardest. When I finally got him to the car he jumped in. I closed the door and he freaked! He may have thought I'd leave again, but I entered on the driver's side and he couldnt' be happier. We drove back to the church to pick up lindsey and waited. When she finally came out I said, "where's Lindsey?" He jolted alert. When he finally found her he started whining, and when she started jogging over he went, again, berzerk. It was adorable.
5 years ago