Friday, March 13, 2015


Wow, it has been awhile. So much fun to talk about. I can tell you that I received a new job just before my year mark at SEL. I'm still at the company, but I am now a Technical Document Specialist, which means I get to work with the engineers to edit and revise our product manuals. It's a wonderful job, and I have my own beautiful desk and computer. I have yet to decorate.

Around the same time I received the promotion, my parents officially moved to Pullman and sold the Utah house. With some of the extra money, they purchased me a little condo/townhouse and I pay rent with Kara, my roommate. This opened up the possibility of getting my Great Dane finally. She was born August 19th. I went to Utah over October conference to see family and the puppies, and two weeks later, I met Linsey (my dear friend I met while working at Ruff House, and the breeder I trust above all others  - Velcro Danes) in Boise to drive my little girl home and her brother to Spokane.

I plan to certify her as a therapy dog, and I have the connections already. I must simply wait until she is old enough. I've brought her up to Spokane to see her brother and his owners multiple times when visiting the temple. This has of course been easier since receiving my endowments! Such an amazing gift.

My job is pretty amazing now, and my coworkers are fantastic. I work with engineers to improve and update product manuals. I've also been heavily involved in the ward with multiple callings, the only one that has been consistent has been Ward Music Chairman. I have, however served as second counselor in two Relief Society presidencies (one in Moscow, ID, and one in Pullman, WA).

Cassie and Poli love each other, but she is definitely a little much for him. I think I'd like to help with Linsey's breeding program in years to come, and co own a black/white boy, but I will have to see if that ever becomes an option.